Pack to Give Back 2023: Holiday Meals for Hungry Marylanders | Maryland Food Bank
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Pack to Give Back 2023: Holiday Meals for Hungry Marylanders

While the inflated prices of food, gas, and other day-to-day costs have been a burden to Maryland families all year long, struggling to make ends meet feels even worse during the holidays.

Thankfully, local businesses once again came together in early November for MFB’s premiere corporate volunteering experience, Pack to Give Back. This annual event makes the holidays a little bit brighter for food-insecure Marylanders like Randy, who we met this time last year at The Door Pantry, one of our Network Partners in eastern Baltimore.

“I think it’s great that the Maryland Food Bank sees us and our needs, but that’s not the same at the store. Those prices are just too much for lots of us, so I am thankful that the people here at The Door Pantry are here for me with food at Thanksgiving,” said Randy.

This year, a combination of both long-time supporters and new friends of the food bank gathered at the Baltimore Convention Center on Friday, November 3 to fill holiday meal boxes with enough food to feed a family of four.

pallet full of holiday meal boxes at Pack To Give Back 2023

Corporate volunteers from Enterprise Rent A Car, Transamerica, the Baltimore Convention Center, and other companies packed traditional holiday fixings like cranberry sauce, mashed potatoes, and stuffing into boxes that will be paired with a turkey. In total, approximately 25,000 boxes will be packed and distributed as part of this year’s effort to feed Marylanders and provide hope this holiday season.

“Every Marylander should have the opportunity to enjoy a holiday meal,” said Elise Krikau, MFB Senior Vice President of Philanthropy. “It’s a privilege to work with so many local companies that recognize why it’s so important to support the communities in which they live and work through Pack to Give Back.”

Transamerica volunteers packing holiday meal boxes for Pack To Give Back 2023

For platinum sponsor Enterprise Rent A Car, taking part in Pack to Give Back is a point of pride.

Other businesses, including gold-level sponsors Transamerica and the Baltimore Convention Center, agree that Pack to Give Back gives their employees and organization the opportunity to establish deeper ties to local communities.

Because of our dedicated corporate partners, 25,000 Maryland families won’t have to make as many tough choices this holiday season and will be able to feel a little hope at one of the most challenging and emotional times of the year.

But hunger is a very real burden that affects 1 in 3 of us on a regular basis, not just at the end of the year, and we hope you’ll keep neighbors like Sam—who recently visited the Help Center in Cecil County—in mind during all the days, not just the holidays.

“I’m 82 and I like traditions, you know, like a Thanksgiving meal with lots of people around. Bit money is so tight, and I am so honored and blessed that the Maryland Food Bank is out here to provide this turkey and fixings, it will allow me to enjoy that big meal with others!”

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Programs, campaigns, and educational outreach at the Maryland Food Bank has always relied on the philanthropic support of charitable individuals like you.

Much like our food distribution efforts, outreach activities at the Maryland Food Bank rely on generous donations of money and time.

We hope you’ll consider a contribution.

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